Hi Everyone,
I hope you are all well. It is that time of year again… the point at which we bid farewell to the year that passes and welcome a New Year. For some, this period signifies a new start, a new beginning. For others, it is simply an extension of the previous, with no break between the old and the new. No matter how you view this point, with each moment and day that goes by, we experience life in all its glories as well as its trials and tribulations. As we look back, we can all surely say that we have indeed experienced something new and learnt something different.
Frankly, I’m not quite sure where 2015 went. It was a year which simply flew by! What would you say was your most striking memories of the past year? Did you welcome new relationships, said goodbye to a loved one, embarked on a new journey be it starting a new school or job or perhaps travelled to a lovely destination? No matter how big or small, the beauty of life are those moments we find peace and joy in. Sometimes happiness can be found in the simplest of things. What are the moments which you treasure and the moments that fill you with warmth?
I hope you are all well. It is that time of year again… the point at which we bid farewell to the year that passes and welcome a New Year. For some, this period signifies a new start, a new beginning. For others, it is simply an extension of the previous, with no break between the old and the new. No matter how you view this point, with each moment and day that goes by, we experience life in all its glories as well as its trials and tribulations. As we look back, we can all surely say that we have indeed experienced something new and learnt something different.
Frankly, I’m not quite sure where 2015 went. It was a year which simply flew by! What would you say was your most striking memories of the past year? Did you welcome new relationships, said goodbye to a loved one, embarked on a new journey be it starting a new school or job or perhaps travelled to a lovely destination? No matter how big or small, the beauty of life are those moments we find peace and joy in. Sometimes happiness can be found in the simplest of things. What are the moments which you treasure and the moments that fill you with warmth?
The extraordinary thing about
life is that nothing lasts for forever. I think it is absolutely spectacular that
no matter what life offers in a moment, once that moment passes it becomes
history, a part of your past, yesterday. Whether the year that passes has been
one filled with joy and success or one which has turned out not so peachy and
not quite as you had hoped, my advice to you would be to have no regrets. Each
day and moment which we are blessed with is a chance for you to seek new
opportunities, right those wrongs, find peace within, give happiness a chance
and don’t dwell on the negative. Remember, no sorrow or hurt will be present
permanently. Time heals and make the most of the time you have whilst today is
still here. Don’t delay and wait for tomorrow as none of us know what tomorrow
holds. If there is something you wish to accomplish, a relationship you want to
mend, a friend you want speak to, a family member you want to see, make it
happen and don’t let a moment slip by and ponder on ‘what if…’, ‘I should/could/would
have…’ We can be more than just dreamers.
I would love to hear from you!
Let me know your new year’s resolution is, the memories you will cherish and
those you are happy to be saying goodbye to from the past year and what you are
looking forward to for the new year which is upon us.
Feel free to leave me a comment
and a link to your blog if you have one.
I would like to take this
opportunity to wish you all peace, happiness and health.
Remember to wear your smile with
dignity :)
Sheen xxx
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